基本素養 Basic Literacy

Spirit of Humanism
Civic Concern
Social Concern
Global Vision

核心能力 Competence

Competence in medical laboratory Science
Competence in medical biotechnology
Ability of interdisciplinary learning
Ability of thinking and decision-making
Ability of effective communication
Ability of lifelong exploration and learning

課程概述 Course Description


課程學習目標 Course Objectives

  • 以互動式課堂講述,使未來醫事人員其具備生理基礎知識
  • 應用生理學知識至臨床的情境。
  • 培養邏輯推理能力
  • 課程進度 Course Outline

    週次 Week進度說明 Progress Description
    11 Introduction, Homeostasis, Membrane transport 2 Cellular signal transduction 3 Membrane transport
    24 Membrane potentials 5 Skeletal muscle 6 Smooth muscle
    37 Synapses and structure of the nervous system 8 General principles of sensory physiology 9 Somatic and chemical senses
    410 Vision and audition 11 Control of body movement (I) 12 Control of body movement (II)
    513 國慶日 14 Consciousness and behavior (I) 15 Consciousness and behavior (II)
    616 Electrical activity of the heart 17 Examination I 18 Examination I
    719 Cardiac cycle and cardiac output 20 Vascular system 21 Absorption and filtration in capillaries
    822 Integration of cardiovascular function 23 Blood pressure regulation 24 Homeostasis of Cardiovascular system in Healthy and Disease conditions
    925 The respiratory system 26 Ventilation and pulmonary circulation 27 Lung mechanics
    1028 Gas exchange/transport 29 Examination II 30 Examination II
    1131 Control of respiration (I) 32 Hypoxia 33 Renal structure and function
    1234 Basic renal process and renal clearance 35 Regulation of sodium and water 31 Control of GFR
    1332 Regulation of hydrogen ion 33 Acid-base balance 34 Gastrointestinal system
    1435 Regulation of organic metabolism36 Examination III 37 Examination III
    1538 Regulation of energy balance 39 Regulation of the gastrointestinal system 40 Endocrine system
    1641 Hypothalamus and pituitary 42 Thyroid gland43 Adrenal gland
    1744 元旦補假 45 Gametogenesis/Sex determination 46 Male reproduction
    1847 Female reproduction 48 Examination IV (10:10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) 49 Examination IV (10:10 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.)
     以上每週進度教師可依上課情況做適度調整。The schedule may be subject to change.

    有關課程其他調查 Other Surveys of Courses

    1.本課程是否規劃業界教師參與教學或演講? 否
    Is there any industry specialist invited in this course? How many times? No
    2.本課程是否規劃內含校外實習 (並非參訪)? 否
    Is there any in (out of) school practicum involved in this course? How many hours? No