

1.肝癌發生(hepato-carcinogenesis)與B型肝炎病毒感染之關係與分子機轉: B型肝炎病毒感染是導致肝癌很重要的原因。在癌症發生過程中,細胞常發生基因不穩定性(genomic instability)。因此維持基因的穩定與完整性對於預防癌症發生扮演重要的角色。我們發現B型肝炎病毒的表面抗原pre-S2突變種會造成基因不穩定性及造成DNA損害(DNA damage)。因此我們以B型肝炎病毒為study model,探討慢性B型肝炎帶原者在轉變成肝癌的過程中DNA damage與DNA repair機制的調控及其對HCC發生的影響。

2.DNA Repair 之分子病理: DNA Repair (DNA修復)是細胞內維持DNA結構完整及修復DNA損害最重要的一個機制。當生物體DNA受到環境途變原(environmental mutagens)例如x-ray,紫外線,以及有毒化學物質等刺激而引起DNA結構不正常時,就需靠DNA Repair 功能來使之恢復正常功能。DNA Repair 功能異常的病人由於DNA突變率較高,導致癌症的機率較正常人高出許多。我們主要的研究方向為探討DNA Repair的分子機轉及其調控,尤其是近年來才分離出的因子hHR23 A及hHR23B (human homolog of Rad23 A / B),探討其在DNA Repair過程中所扮演的角色。除此之外,我們也利用微矩陣(Microarray)生物晶片技術來探討紫外線等環境途變原所引發的DNA Repair分子機轉。同時我們也進一步分析DNA Repair不正常病人的細胞株,以了解DNA Repair異常所引發的相關病理機制。










姓名 研究主題
李○萍 Development of a serological detection method for hepatitis B virus large surface antigen.
陳○玉 Association of the oncofetal Nei endonuclease VIII-like 3 protein with hepatitis B virus-induced cirrhosis.


姓名 研究主題
張○媖 The interactive mechanism of hepatitis B virus surface protein and importinα1 and the effect of this complex for DNA damage in hepatocarcinogenesis.


姓名 論文題目
艾○琳(醫技所二年級) Development of hepatitis B virus large surface antigen pre-S2 mutant DNA and protein detection method in chronic carriers.
林○酉(醫技所二年級) Inhibition of integrin-mediated adhesion and migration of hepatoma cells by disintegrins.


姓名 研究主題
謝○璇(基醫所)-2007畢 Genomics instability induced by HBV Pre-S mutant surface proteins


姓名 論文題目
賴○婷 (分醫所)-2002畢 The protein interaction studies of the two human nucleotide excision repair factors hHR23A and hHR23B and their roles as protein degradation regulators
蔡○和 (醫工所)-2002畢 Application of cDNA microarray on studies of UVC-induced cell’s gene expressions
謝○璇 (醫技所)-2003畢 Oxidative stress and genomic instabilities caused by the HBV pre-S mutant surface antigens
黃○忻 (分醫所) -2003畢 Functional studies of the human hHR23A and hHR23B proteins in DNA repair and proteolysis
謝○娟 (醫工所) -2004畢 Functional studies of DNA repair genes hHR23A and hHR23B
王○閔 (醫技所)-2005畢 Genetic polymorphisms associated with breast cancer in south Taiwan
蔡○霓 (醫技所)-2005畢 Studies of antioxidant activities in Agaricus blazei Murill extracts
王○婷 (分醫所)-2006畢 Association of mitochondrial function with chemo-resistance in lung cancer cells
許○斐 (醫技所)-2006畢 Screening and functional studies of human proteins which interact with Streptococcal pyogenic exotoxin B (SPE B)
董○蕙 (分醫所)-2007畢 Screening and functional studies of human proteins which interact with DNA-damage binding protein (DDB2)
黃○君 (醫技所)- 2007畢 Functional studies of HBV surface antigen pre-S2 mutation with its association of JAB1 and KPNA2
李○陵 (醫技所)-2009畢 Association of human 8-oxoguanine DNA glycosylase 1  isoform with NDUFB10 and its potential role in mitochondrial DNA repair
蘇○虹(醫技所)-2010畢 Functional studies of the α- and β-hydroxyguanine glycosylases in mitochondrial DNA repair
阮玉○兒(醫技所)-2010畢 Microsatellite instability caused by pre-S2 mutant LHBS
劉○傑 (醫技所)-2010畢 Genomic instability in hepatitis B virus-induced hepatoma in transgenic mice.
高○齡 (醫技所)-2011畢 Studies of the killing effects of HDAC inhibitor sulforaphane to hepatoma cell lines.
李○萍 (醫技所)-2012畢 Functional characterization of the human base excision repair factor nth endonuclease III-like 1.
李○翰 (醫技所)-2012畢 Development of a serological detection method for hepatitis B virus large surface antigen.
陳○玉 (醫技所)-2013畢 Association of the oncofetal Nei endonuclease VIII-like 3 protein with hepatitis B virus-induced cirrhosis.



