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About Us

The Department of Medical Technology was established in 1989.In 2001, the graduate program was established.For promotion of research competitiveness and the trend of biotechnology in life sciences, the department is renamed from 'Medical Technology' to 'Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology' in 2004. The curriculum has been re-designed to meet the requirement of different fields and hence students can be trained to be multi-disciplined in the medical technology and biotechnology. The department not only retains the original features that have been long established but also develops the integration of different fields in modern biotechnology.




To train our students to fit in the multi-disciplines of the medical laboratory science and biotechnology, the curriculum will be re-designed and restructured to meet the requirement in the modern society. In addition to the traditional courses of medical laboratory diagnosis, molecular diagnosis and biotechnology will be emphasized. Students will be encouraged to take the biotechnology program as the second major. To make the teaching more vivid, lectures hours will be reduced and different audio-video aids will be enforced. Different teaching strategies such as small group discussion as well as problem-based learning will be enhanced to nourish the interest and active learning of the students. Teachers will also be encouraged to take the advantage of E-learning system (moodle) in NCKU for their classes. To make the teaching more flexible for students with different interests, more elective courses and less required courses will be our goal to achieve in the future. To familiarize our students in different research and industry institutes, cooperation and academic exchange program will be continued. All these teaching activities will be regularly evaluated and modified.




PCR systems, RT-PCR system, Real-time PCR system, LAS 3000, image system, Spectrophotometers, Laminar flow, Flow cytometry, Anaerobic culture system, Gas chromatography, High performance liquid chromatography, Capillary electrophoresis system, Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, g-counter, Ultracentrifuge systems, Lyophilizer system, Level II Bio-safety cabinet, CO2 incubators, Deep freezers, ELISA reader, Fluorescent microscopy system, Reverse microscopy system, Multilabel counter...




The research in Department of Medical Laboratory Science and Biotechnology integrates multidisciplinary fields of experimental diagnostic technology, translational medicine as well as innovative developments in the area of personalized medicine. The research teams involve a number of prospective studies and achievements in association with in daily-based medical diagnostics, including those clinically related to biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, virology, hematology, genetics and molecular diagnostics.

The Infectious Disease and Immunology group has been well reputed in pioneering studies to identify the EV71 outbreak in the past decade. Currently active research projects are funded supporting clinical and basic investigations on virulence factors, pathogenic mechanisms and drug resistances of human pathogens, including enterovirus, H1N1 and seasonal influenza viruses, dengue virus and hepatitis B and C viruses, group A streptococcus, Helicobacter pylori and mycobacteria. Additionally, diagnostic microchips for rapid and multiple target detections for microbes and discovery of specific antibodies by phage display system are also developed.

The Oncology group incorporates and adopts translational research from fundamental basic study to clinical application on several types of tumors, including hepatocellular carcinoma, bladder cancer, urothelial carcinoma and leukemia. Multiple disciplinary approaches integrated the bioinformatics, cellular, molecular and in vivo (mice and zebrafish models) platforms are applied to investigate tumorgenesis, signal transduction pathways and chemoprevention agents.

The Metabolic Disease group investigates the molecular mechanisms involving the metabolisms of amino acids, lipids and apolipoproteins as well as the regulations of glycosylation in the absence or presence of exogenous stress inducers via both in vitro and in vivo experiments. Mass spectrum technology is used to identify qualitatively and quantitatively small metabolic molecules and proteins. Development and application of carbohydrate array is actively implemented and also facilitates the research in the branches of infectious disease and cancer.






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